Discovering CAP

  You have embarked on an amazing journey by joining Civil Air Patrol. We will be there with you every step of the way. Have fun discovering CAP.

Discovering the Keys To Success in Civil Air Patrol

  Everything you need to know for a successful  journey through CAP.

  Tell us about your experiences.
Share your photos.
Pass on your knowledge to help other new members.

Our Story 

We are here to help you while you are discovering what Civil Air Patrol is all about.

When we joined CAP, we learned that it was difficult to find what we needed for our uniforms, and the pieces were all spread out. We got some stuff at Walmart, some from our squadron, others from random places on the internet,  and the rest from Vanguard.

Information was hard to find. For example, we did not know where to measure for hat sizes, so a few of us got some that were too small.

Once we got everything together, we decide to put all of it in one place, to make it easier for all the cadets following after us. If you're not new to CAP, that's alright, you are still alowed to visit this website.

By the way, you can't wear an eight point Marine Corps cover in CAP.

Our Family, so far only four of us have joined.

This picture is from our very early days.

At the bottom of the picture, one of our little brothers is wearing an Eight Point Marine Corps cover that we are not allowed to wear.