Marching Commands

  forward march and company halt, column left and right, right and left flank, and to the rear.

Forward March

  When this command is called step off with your left foot first, followed by your right foot. Continue until told otherwise. 

  Swing your arms 6 inches to the front and 3 inches to the back. Your right arm should go forward when your left leg goes forward.

  Take regular sized steps, not too big, not too small. About 24 inches.

  When this command is called it will sound like "fu-ward-HARCH"

Double Time March

  Double Time March is a the command used when the flight commander wants us to run. Don't sprint, just jog.

Company (Flight) Halt

  Don't immediately stop when this command is called. take one more step before bringing your second foot up to your first in a halt. If you're still having trouble figuring this out, say "step stop" in you're head. 

  When this command is called it will sound like "company-HALT" or "flight-HALT"


  After this command is called the Element Leaders turn right or left, depending on the command called, and their Elements follow them. 

  The inside column, called an Element,will make a 90° turn then goes immediately to half steps. The next Element makes a 45° turn, takes two steps, then makes another 45° degree turn. The next Element makes a 45° turn takes four steps, then makes another 45° turn. and so on and so forth. Once you catch up to the Cadet beside you in the flight go to half steps.

  Stay in half steps until the command Forward March is called.

  This command may seem hard at first, but it will become easier with practice.

  When this command is called it will sound like "column-right/left-HARCH"


  Flanks are like Columns, in that they both turn the Flight. Flanks, however are executed at the same time throughout the flight. 

  When the command is called, immediately make a 90° turn to the right or left depending on the command called. Do not go to half steps.

  When this command is called it will sound like "right/left-flank-HARCH"