Other Commands

  Present and Order Arms, Hand Salute, Falling In and Out, Eyes Right, Open and Close Ranks, Dress Right Dress, 

Present Arms

  When this command is called bring your right hand up to your eyebrow. If you're wearing glasses put your middle finger at the corner of your glasses. If you are wearing a hat, your finger will be at the corner of the brim. Have your hand slightly angled forward. Your arm should be parallel to the ground.

  When bringing your hand up to a salute, the tips of your fingers should go up along the line that your buttons make on your uniform, called  the gigline. This should be one crisp motion.

  Your left hand should remain by your side. 

  With Present Arms, you remain in Salute until the  command Order Arms is given. Compare the Hand Salute command.

  When this command is called it will sound like "pre-zent-HARMS"

Hand Salute

  It is like Present Arms, but you just keep  your hand up as long as it takes to say Hand Salute. For example, if ou say Hand (wait 3 seconds) Salute, then you keep your arm up for 3 seconds.   

Fall In

  When your flight commander says "Fall In" the first element leader walks over and stands left of the commander at a arm length. Then three steps forward and puts his left arm out. The second element leader puts his right arm out in front of him so it just touches the back of the first element leader. So on and so forth for how ever many element leaders there are

Fall Out

you just do what ever you want as long as you stay there. Intel they dismiss you.