Stationary Commands

What are Stationary Commands?

  Stationary Commands are the positions you stand in while in a flight. These are not Facing Movements or Marching Commands.


  When you come to attention, your feet should be at a 45° angle. Your shoulders should be back."Pick them up, roll them back, and set them down" as our Cadet Staff said. Your eyes should be 10° above the horizon "how do you tell where 10° is?" you may askThe horizon is at zero degrees, and directly overhead is ninety degrees. If you hold your fist at arms length and place your fist resting on the horizon, the top will be about 10 degrees. While at attention look straight ahead don't move your eyes. Your arms should hang at your sides with your thumb on the seam of your pants. Don't lock your elbows or your knees. People have passed out because of locked knees.

  When this command is called it will sound like "a-ten-HUT"

Parade Rest

  When going from attention to parade rest,  move your left foot a shoulder width away from your right foot. Put your hands behind your back like so.

  Your head should be in the same position as before, and remember don't lock your knees.

  When this command is called it will sound like " put-rate-REST"

At Ease

  Like Parade Rest but you are allowed to move everything except your right foot and your vocal cords.

  When this command is called it will sound like "at-EASE"


  This position is very much like Parade Rest and At Ease. only you are allowed to move all but your right foot, AND you are allowed to talk quietly.

  When this command is called it will sound like "RIST"